
During the planning phase of an assurance audit, IACS may use an Internal Control Questionnaire (ICQ) to help evaluate internal controls in specific areas. By asking key questions, IACS often uses an ICQ as a starting point and then supplements it with other information-gathering and control evaluation techniques, such as flowcharting and documentation review.

Below are three common ICQs that, together with IACS staff, audit clients may use to help assess their operation.

Revenues and Receipts

This ICQ is used to evaluate internal controls associated with how revenue is generated, received, recorded, safeguarded, summarized, deposited, and reported.

Key Questions

Critical Internal Controls


Key Compliance Requirements

Significant Risk Areas

Payment Card Data Security

This ICQ is used to evaluate internal controls associated with the confidentiality, integrity, and security of University payment card transactions.

Key Questions

Critical Internal Controls

Significant Risk Areas

Inventory for Resale

This ICQ is used to evaluate internal controls associated with how inventory is physically safeguarded and secured, organized, current (not obsolete) and not excessive (based on the usage or sales), valued, and recorded.

Key Questions

Critical Internal Controls

Significant Risk Areas

Risk Discussion Questionnaire

During the planning phase of an assurance audit, IACS may use the Risk Discussion Questionnaire (RDQ) to help focus the audit to more specific areas.

Please note: Audit clients do not need to complete these questions in advance but may desire to become familiar with it by reviewing the questions involved. IACS staff will work with you to complete the questionnaire.

Sample Questions

General Information

  1. What is the purpose/mission/objective of this unit or process?
  2. How many employees work in the department? What is your organizational structure?
  3. Do you have job descriptions for each employee? What is each of the employee's key responsibilities?
  4. What documented policies and procedures are available?
  5. What is the worst thing that could happen to this unit or process?
  6. What is the worst thing that has already happened to this unit or process?
  7. What are the critical interfaces (other work groups or processes) that give you the most concern (and why)?
  8. Please describe the areas of your department's operations you feel are the most vulnerable to risk and any related internal control currently in place to offset those risks.

I. Systems, Data, Information Security

  1. Please indicate if this area has implemented any new or extensive information systems within the past 12 months. If yes, was the software developed or purchased? What was the cost of implementation (hardware and software)?
  2. What is the nature of the data processed by this unit or process? Is it private, confidential, proprietary, classified, financial, operational, sensitive, or public?
  3. To what extent are policies, procedures, standards, and guidelines developed, implemented and enforced so that information system risk is minimized for this unit or process?
  4. Are any information systems considered critical to the mission of this unit or process, or to the University as a whole?

II. Operations, Management Controls, and Accountability

  1. If the department has been audited within the last 5 years by either an external group or IACS, please indicate when and by whom. (State auditors, federal auditors, other).
  2. Does the department have a written and tested disaster recovery plan? If yes, was the plan specifically developed for your department? If departmental plan, please describe what specific areas of operation (e.g. network interruption, disruption of routine business operations due to an emergency situation) the recovery plan addresses.
  3. What procedures have been developed to monitor and evaluate employee performance in the areas of accountability and contribution toward attainment of management goals and objectives?
  4. How much have procedures or processes changed in the last 12 months? Please specify details.
  5. To what extent have reorganization, management turnover, employee turnover, or other departmental changes (e.g. budget size, size of operations) affected the environment of the area (experience, continuity, control, and accountability) in the last 12 months? Please describe all relevant changes that have occurred in the department in the last 12 months.
  6. Segregation of duties is an internal control where responsibilities are assigned so that no one individual controls all aspects of a process or transaction. Please choose the answer that best fits the department at this time:

III. Financial Management

  1. Please list all current fiscal year index codes, purpose, and associated fund balances available to or processed through the department.
    Include all of the following funds:
  2. Has management developed written rules, guidelines, policies, and/or procedures for all transactions and critical financial activities?
  3. How often are actual income and expenditures monitored against the budget and are significant variances identified and reported to management?
  4. How many cash collection points exist in your department? Please list the location of each cash collection point.

IV. Legal and Regulatory Compliance

  1. Due to the mission of this unit or process, what is the level of inherent risk of fines, penalties, or lawsuits that may result from noncompliance with various federal or state regulations or agencies (e.g. EPA, OSHA, Title IV, Title IX, NCAA, and ORC)? Please specify what regulations are applicable to this department or process.
  2. Describe current measures taken to ensure compliance with any applicable regulatory body.
  3. If the unit has grant or sponsored research funding, how is compliance with OMB Uniform Guidance ensured? What types of oversight are in place to monitor sponsored research activity?
  4. How many employees or students have filed grievances or legal actions against the unit's employees within the past year? What was the basis of the complaint(s) and the outcome?

V. Public and Political Sensitivity

  1. What is the level of inherent risk of adverse public relations or publicity due to the nature of the department's basic operations (e.g., research on human or animal subjects, hazardous waste disposal, research involving controlled substances, significant impact on students, access to confidential information)?
  2. What controls currently exist to ensure that each faculty or staff member has a working knowledge of the conflict of interest policies of the University? Has there been any conflict of interest situations brought to management's attention in the last year?
  3. How often, if ever, have negative stories resulting from a complaint or disagreement either from faculty, staff, or students, concerning this unit been publicized (or threatened with publication) in the local media?

VI. Other Questions

  1. Do you know of anyone who is breaking the rules?
  2. Has anyone in the organization asked you to do something that you thought was illegal or unethical?
  3. What would you do if someone asked you to do something that you thought was wrong?