Fisheries Queensland recognises charter fishing as a distinct fishing activity with social and economic benefits. Charter fishing is a tourism-based sector operating throughout the state, promoted as one of Queensland's 'things to do'.
Charter fishing operators take paying passengers on fishing trips, including:
A charter fishing licence is required when taking paying passengers on fishing trips in offshore waters (more than 2 metres deep).
You must record details of your charter fishing activities in daily logbooks.
Some trip limits are increased for extended charter fishing trips.
For a continuous charter fishing trip of at least 72 hours but less than 168 hours:
For a continuous charter fishing trip of at least 168 hours:
The recreational fisher may only possess a regulated coral reef fin fish taken in filleted form if on an extended charter fishing trip or at least 72 hours:
For fish other than regulated coral reef fin fish, a recreational fisher on a boat during a licensed charter fishing trip that is conducted for a continuous period of at least 48 hours may posses the fish on the boat in a form with skin removed if a square area of skin with sides of at least 3cm each is left on the fish.