You can declare your ball unplayable anywhere

Purpose of Rule: Rule 19 covers the player’s several relief options for an unplayable ball. This allows the player to choose which option to use – normally with one penalty stroke – to get out of a difficult situation anywhere on the course (except in a penalty area).

Unplayable Ball

Player May Decide to Take Unplayable Ball Relief Anywhere Except Penalty Area

A player is the only person who may decide to treat their ball as unplayable by taking penalty relief under Rule 19.2 or 19.3 . Unplayable ball relief is allowed anywhere on the course , except in a penalty area . If a ball is unplayable in a penalty area , the player’s only relief option is to take penalty relief under Rule 17 .

Relief Options for Unplayable Ball in General Area or on Putting Green

Stroke-and-Distance Relief

The player may play the original ball or another ball from where the previous stroke was made (see Rule 14.6 ).

Back-on-the-Line Relief