Here are some useful tools to help you and your student navigate your time at Stuyvesant High School.
Read the PDF newsletter that our Director of Family Engagement sends out each week. It goes straight to your email inbox. Just click on the PDF file and read. The Student Opportunities Bulletin lists internships, research opportunities, volunteer activities and more. The SOB also published weekly in Talos and as a link in the newsletter.
Click HERE to add the StuyPA event calendar to your phone
Stuy PA Spirit Wear Online at EBAY
Below are some of the different outreach groups you can join:
Chinese Outreach sponsors WeChat groups for parents who prefer communication in Chinese. If interested, please email
Japanese Outreach is a parent group within the Stuyvesant PA Membership Outreach Committee. Our mission is to connect Japanese families to each other and to help them share and process information and advice related to the school. Please email to join.
Jewish Outreach is a new group for parents and guardians of Jewish students at Stuyvesant High School. The group fosters support and understanding in our community and creates space for parents to meet, share, and support our children at Stuyvesant. If you identify as Jewish, or would like to celebrate holidays and events with the Stuyvesant Jewish community, please join us by emailing with your name and your child’s name and grade. Everyone is welcome!
Mosaic Outreach for Parents of Stuy Students who identify as Black, Indigenous, Hispanic/Latina/Latine/Latino/Latinx.
Comunidad para padres de Stuyvesant, y padres de estudiantes de Stuyvesant que se identifican como negros, indígenas, hispanos/ latinos/ latino/ latinos/ latinx.
FB Profile: Mosaic Outreach
WhatsApp: To join the Mosaic Stuy WhatsApp Chat email
Para unirse al grupo de WhatsApp de Mosaic Stuy, comuníquese por correo electronico en
SAPOS (South Asian Parents of Stuy) is a diverse group for parents with cultural ties to South Asian countries including: Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Nepal, and Maldives.
We warmly invite you to join this group to communicate with other South Asian parents and to create a vibrant sub-community within our larger and beloved Stuyvesant community. Please email with the subject “SAPOS” to join.
SIPS (Stuyvesant Indian Parents) is Stuyvesant’s Indian community. We run two WhatsApp groups for Indian parents. Please email with the subject “SIPS” and provide your name and phone number to become a part of this vibrant and active community, and to participate in upcoming events and celebrations for the whole family!
SPAKO (Stuyvesant High School Parents Association Korean Outreach)connects Korean parents, research new solutions, organize information sessions, and share valuable advice.
We cordially invite you to join us. If interested, please reach out at
Parent-Teacher Conference Tips – Learn how to navigate parent-teacher conferences at Stuy.
Support for students – Information about tutoring, guidance, and other support at Stuy.
The Spectator – Stuy’s student-run newspaper – read it to understand what is happening in Stuy.
TALOS – Our base for student course selection, schedule, transcript, report cards, textbook loans, course directory, course requirements, graduation requirements, attendance, Parent Coordinator news blog, and more. Get to know TALOS.
Stuyvesant High School website – Check for the latest information on schedules, events, sports, clubs, and meeting dates.
School Forms – Visit the Stuyvesant High School site for absence, lateness, or early dismissal forms; for working papers, new Metrocards, teacher comment sheets, extracurricular sheets, and more.
School policy – This section of the Stuyvesant High School site explains policies related to homework, code of conduct, cell phones, academic honesty, dress code, AP classes, attendance, lunch, lockers, extracurriculars, and more.
eSchoolData – Replaced by TALOS
NYC DOE Schools Account (MyStudent) – This DOE account contains your student’s grades, assessments, schedule, attendance, and health records maintained by the NYC Department of Education. If you have children in a different NYC public school you can view the records for all of your children in various schools. Contact the parent coordinator, Dina Ingram (, with your students’ full name and OSIS number to get the access codes to view your child’s records.
Naviance – Log in to Naviance to view the Student Opportunities Bulletin, scholarship information, SLT minutes, as well as college information. Check the “document library” link on the top right of the page beneath the green banner. Naviance is now available to all grades. Click here for more information about how to access your account.
College Office – College information for seniors and their parents.
The Stuyvesant student union – Information and calendar for SU events
The Stuyvesant Parents’ Association Facebook page – “Like” the page to receive reminders for events and information.
Stuyvesant Alumni Association – The Stuyvesant Alumni Association is a 501(3)(C) not-for-profit organization that maintains the relationship of alumni to Stuyvesant High School.