
In Section 11-24-1 of the Alabama Code, Subdivision is defined as “The development and division of a lot, tract, or parcel of land into two or more lots, plats, sites, or otherwise for the purpose of establishing or creating a subdivision through the sale, lease, or building development.”

While many think of houses lined along a street with a nice brick sign out front, the majority of subdivisions are defined as minor subdivisions, simply moving lot lines or splitting parcels of land along existing roads. These are much simpler subdivisions, not requiring the construction or installation of new infrastructure to complete the subdivision.

All subdivision applications follow one of three processes:

  1. Subdivisions within municipal limits are approved by the municipality and do not require any involvement from Mobile County;
  2. Subdivisions outside municipal limits, but within a municipal planning jurisdiction, first require the approval of the appropriate planning commission, followed by an administrative review by County Engineering staff prior to being signed by the County Engineer;
  3. Subdivisions outside any municipal planning jurisdiction, which require administrative approval by County Engineering staff, notification of adjacent property owners and utilities, and approval by the County Commission at a regularly scheduled County Commission meeting, followed by the signature of the County Engineer.

For more information, feel free to contact our offices. Subdivisions subject to County Commission approval are required to meet the Subdivision Regulations for Mobile County. The Subdivision Application describes all the information needed to apply for a subdivision outside any municipal planning jurisdiction. The Subdivision Review Checklist is used for a review of subdivision applications.


The Mobile County Commission intends to consider revisions to the Subdivision Regulations adopted December 13, 2004 and amended April 26, 2005. A copy of the document showing the proposed revisions is available on the Mobile County website,

Questions regarding this notice should be directed to the Mobile County Public Works & Engineering Department at the County Engineer’s Office in the Mobile Government Plaza at (251) 574-8595. The Mobile Government Plaza is located at 205 Government Street. Business hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The revised Subdivision Regulations are available for public inspection in this office. The Commission will hold a Public Hearing and receive comments on these proposed amendments during the first regularly scheduled meeting in June at Mobile Government Plaza.