Home Inventory List

Home Inventory List Template

Whether you’re a homeowner or renter, insuring the value of your possessions is important for both your financial security and peace of mind. However, signing up for a homeowners or renters insurance policy is just the first step. In the unfortunate event of a fire, break-in, or other property loss, a detailed home inventory list is critical to ensuring that you receive full value for your lost possessions. With this free, easy-to-use, downloadable Excel home inventory list template, you can create a comprehensive list of your valuables and their most important details.

How to Use the Excel Home Inventory List Template

Tips for using the Excel Home Inventory List Template

Damage or theft in your home can be a stressful experience, and something you may never be fully prepared for. By utilizing this free template to create your home inventory list, you’ll be one step closer to being made whole again should disaster strike.

Download the Home Inventory List Template from Microsoft Office: Home Inventory List