How to Create Technical Documentation in 2024 - A simple guide

Learn to make simple technical documentation for your team and customers. Understand what most people get wrong about technical documentation, how to build it, along with templates to get you started right away.

5 min
February 13, 2024
Table of contents
What is a project outline

What is technical documentation?

Technical documentation describes what a product can do. It's mainly created by software development and product teams and helps different parts of a company support the product.

Technical documentation is a broad term. It refers to everything from your first PRD to your API docs for other makers. Let’s define it a bit more.

Different types of Technical Documentation - what’s included v/s what’s not

10 common types of documents that are considered as technical documentation, are:

1. User Manuals

These are booklets or online guides that show you how to use something, like a camera or software. They're full of step-by-step directions.

2. API Documentation

These documents explain how computer programs can talk to each other. If you're building an app, this tells you how to connect it with other software.

3. System Administrators’ Manuals

This is a handbook for the tech pros who set up, fix, and make sure computer systems run smoothly.

4. Installation Guides

These guides give you the steps to get a piece of software or hardware up and running.

5. Troubleshooting Guides

Got a problem with your tech? These guides help figure out what's wrong and how to fix it.

6. White Papers

Think of these as deep dives into a specific tech topic, offering solutions to tech challenges or explaining how a product can help.

7. Release Notes

When software gets an update, release notes tell you what's new, what's better, and what issues are still around.

8. Product documentation

You will need a lot of writing to streamline your product development. And all your project plans are a part of technical documentation. This detailed list tells you exactly what a product can do and its features.

9. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Here you'll find answers to common questions about using a product or service.

These start small and evolve with time, as most user documentation does. As your product and ICP evolves, its FAQs will change. Technical writers usually are the ones that take this up.

10. Developer Guides

These guides are for the coders, giving them the nitty-gritty on how to use a technology or work with a programming tool.

So, who uses technical documentation?

Technical documentation is used by internal devs, IT staff, CXOs, PMs, CS teams, end-users, and external devs.

And, what’s NOT Technical Documentation?

Sometimes people get mixed up and think some documents are technical guides when they're really not. While some of it - like your HR handbook - is obviously non-technical documentation, some documents fall in a grey area. Here's a quick look:

Summarising, here’s a nifty list on what is technical documentation and what isn’t:

How to create Technical Documentation

Step 0: Put down your technical writing style guide

Your technical writing style guide will help all contributors keep a consistent tone and vision for writing. The best example is the Apple Style Guide. The beloved brand works hard to keep a similar style of writing everywhere.

And so should you.

While it may not matter right now, it will matter months from now when your team and user base scales up. This includes defining fonts, to step-by-step instructions for document creation, and workflow details.

Step 1: Figure out what you need right now

You don’t need all 10 types of documentation right off the bat. Different needs evolve and come up across your development lifecycle:

1. Day 0 to Day 30: Ideation stage

2. Month 1 to Month 6: Development stage

3. Month 7 to 12: Launch prep stage

4. Month 13 to 24: Post-Launch and Growth stage

As you can see, if you’ve just started building your product, you might just have different iterations of your PRD. However, if you’ve launched already and are in the growth stage, you will most likely already have created all types of different technical documentation by now but it may be scattered.

Based on this, start a new workspace in Slite, and create different channels/pages for only the type of documentation you have/need. In case you’re looking for our template, directly copy it to your Slite workspace here.

Step 2: Collect your existing docs in one place.

Once you’ve structured your homebase, you will have a clear picture on all the documentation you should have at this stage.

Since you might have some of it already, start importing from other sources. Rather than staring at a blank page, start importing the documentation you already have. Right now, this may be loose meeting notes, product roadmap, or PRDs from your brainstorming calls. Usually, this type of documentation is created in meetings as quickly created ad-hoc Google docs, Miro boards, Figjam boards, etc.

Most knowledge base tools let you import docs from Google Docs, Notion, or any other popular knowledge base you’re using right now. Once imported, start organising them across categories and name them properly. If your knowledge base software has a verification status feature like Slite, use it to verify the stuff like technical specs, dev guidelines, etc.

Step 3: Start writing the docs that don’t exist yet, but should.

By step three, it’s time to get started with the actual content creation process. Knowledge creation is never a one-person job. It’s a collaborative process and that’s why you should start involving your team at this stage.

This has 2 benefits:

  1. It’ll get done faster if everyone contributes by sticking to their timelines.
  2. It kickstarts the culture of documentation in your team

The best technical documentation is usually produced when:

  1. Every document has an owner and contributors
  2. Writers are thoroughly briefed on what to write
  3. Writers use simple language, headings, and a lot of images to make their documentation extremely readable.
  4. Writers know who all will be reading the document
  5. Every completed document is reviewed at least once by someone else.
  6. Most documents are allotted a verification status so your team knows which documentation is relevant, and when they need to update it.

This will ensure that the content is not only clear, well written, and grammatically correct, but also that it will be effective for users.

If your technical documentation includes any how-to guides or steps to follow, make sure your team members actually test out those steps and confirm that they accomplish what they’re supposed to accomplish.

Step 4: Review the readability of your docs

Since devs, PMs, and other technical folks write your technical documentation, it’s important to double-check it for simplicity. If your documentation can’t be understood by other stakeholders, it’s worthless to have.

This is why, ensure that your documentation:

It’s important to put it through a testing phase and check for organisational issues, confusing information, and usability problems.

In order to accomplish this step, you can also look for external users to test out your documentation. Have them read through it, use it to help them in completing the tasks it’s supposed to, and provide you with their honest feedback. It’s important to ensure that your testers are external because they will be looking at your documentation with a fresh pair of eyes and won’t have any bias that will affect their evaluation.

Step 5: Ship, collect feedback, iterate.

You know this product philosophy. You just gotta apply it to your documentation too.

Once you’ve published your technical documentation, promote it and proactively ask users for feedback.

Secondly, put down maintenance and hygiene protocols for your documentation. Technical documents are dynamic and go through updates and changes in accordance with the products they cover. As such, it’s a good idea to establish a protocol that details what needs to be done when new information needs to be added, changes need to be integrated or general maintenance needs to be made.

Many companies choose to implement a maintenance schedule for their documentation. They set specific dates where they evaluate whether any changes need to be made, so all their information is always up to date and modifications never get overlooked.

Examples/Inspiration of the best technical documentation

Here’s 7 good examples of developer documentation loved by internal and external stakeholder alike:

Example 1: Stripe - The Benchmark for API Documentation

What's Good

What's Bad

The clear, concise, and interactive nature of Stripe's documentation has made it the go-to favourite integration among developers, particularly when compared to PayPal’s software documentation.

Example 2: MDN Web Docs - An extremely close runner-up

What's Good

What's Bad

However, it’s worth noting that their AI Help feature more than makes up for the lack of master navigation.

Example 3: Twilio - The closest to Stripe, and the best at process documentation

What's Good

What's Bad

Twilio's documentation is extremely detailed and is most comparable to Stripe in terms of user experience. Though, some devs do find Stripe's layout cleaner and easier to navigate.

Example 4: Django - Gets the job done

What's Good

What's Bad

Key Thing to Note

Example 5: Laravel - Minimal but comprehensive

What's Good

What's Bad

Laravel's documentation primarily stands out for its simplicity and effectiveness, especially in how it uses tables, images, and simple language to convey complex topics.

Example 6: DigitalOcean - Redefines the meaning of comprehensive

What's Good

What's Bad

DigitalOcean's documentation excels in engaging the community, providing a platform not just for learning but also for discussion and knowledge sharing.

Example 7: Arch Wiki - A familiar layout

What's Good

What's Bad

The Arch Wiki is renowned for its accuracy, up-to-date information, and no-nonsense structure, making it a favourite among users who prefer precision and depth in documentation.

Do’s and don’ts of good documentation

What to Do

  1. Make It Easy to Navigate: Use a sidebar or a clear contents page so people can find what they need quickly, just like Stripe does.
  2. Add Interactive Examples: Let users try out code or see it in action. Stripe and Twilio are great at this, making learning more fun and hands-on.
  3. Keep It Simple and Clear: Write in a way that's easy to understand. Laravel is good at this, turning complex ideas into simple explanations. Technical writing should be accessible to everyone.
  4. Let Users Talk to Each Other: Have a place for feedback or discussions. DigitalOcean's tutorials are more helpful because they include user comments and discussions.
  5. Cover relevant information: Talk about both simple and complex topics to help both new and experienced users. MDN Web Docs does this well by offering lots of detailed guides on web technologies.
  6. Update Often: Always keep your documentation current to ensure users have the latest information. The Arch Wiki is always up to date, which is super helpful.

What to Avoid

  1. Don’t Overload Users: Too much information all at once can be overwhelming. It's better to organise content so it's easy to digest.
  2. Don’t Skip Examples: Users need examples to understand how things work. Make sure your documentation includes practical, real-life examples. Go the extra mile and add things like screenshots, or screen recordings to your technical content.
  3. Don’t Ignore Design: A messy or hard-to-read documentation site can push users away. Make sure your site is tidy and easy to use.
  4. Don’t Ignore Feedback: User suggestions can help improve your documentation. Pay attention to what users say.
  5. Don’t Assume Everyone Knows Everything: Remember, not everyone will be an expert. Include basic guides for beginners and more in-depth information for those who need it.
  6. Don’t Forget Search: A good search function makes it easier for users to find exactly what they need without wasting time.
  7. Don’t bombard acronyms: Be mindful of using acronyms. While they speed up the writing process, ensure you put down the full-form of acronyms for those who might not know them.

Final takeaway - Structure like a textbook, have a functional design, and keep improving it.

Remember, the best documentation grows and adapts with its users. It listens to their struggles and triumphs, evolving to meet their needs better. It's not just about having all the answers but about making those answers accessible and engaging for everyone, from the curious beginner to the seasoned expert.

So, take a page from the playbooks of Stripe, MDN, Laravel, and others who lead by example. Aim to create documentation that doesn't just inform but inspires and empowers your users.

Good technical documentation is a selling point of your product.

Great technical documentation means everyone ships faster. That’s why developers internally vouch to use apps for great documentation. Be one of them.

Written by

Ishaan Gupta is a writer at Slite. He doom scrolls for research and geeks out on all things creativity. Send him nice Substack articles to be on his good side.