Pay Equity Regulations: SOR/2021-161

Canada Gazette, Part II, Volume 155, Number 14 Registration
SOR/2021-161 June 24, 2021 PAY EQUITY ACT P.C. 2021-637 June 24, 2021 His Excellency the Administrator of the Government of Canada in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Labour, pursuant to subsection 181(1) of the Pay Equity Act footnote a , makes the annexed Pay Equity Regulations .


Pay Equity Regulations


1 Definitions 2 References to employers

Postings — General Rules

3 Format and place 4 Accessibility 5 Information to be provided 6 Date of posting

Pay Equity Plan

7 Notice — employer's obligation 8 Notice — group of employers' obligation 9 Notice — establishment of plan without committee

Process for Establishment of Pay Equity Plan

Frozen Compensation

10 Prohibited comparison — frozen compensation


11 Calculation — equal average method 12 Calculation — equal line method 13 Clarification

Rules if Regression Lines Cross

14 Choice of method 15 Segmented line method 16 Sum of differences method 17 Clarification

Obligations — No Predominantly Male Job Classes

18 Application 19 Choice of method 20 Determination of value of work 21 Criterion 22 Method 23 Calculation of compensation 24 Exclusions from compensation 25 Differences in compensation excluded 26 Comparison of compensation 27 Compensation comparison methods 28 Equal average method 29 Equal line method

Additional Information in Pay Equity Plan

30 Job classes chosen or created 31 Determination — value already determined


32 Confidentiality of data received from another employer


33 Draft pay equity plan 34 Final version of pay equity plan 35 Notice — increases and phase-in period

Pay Equity Maintenance Review

Updated Pay Equity Plan

36 Notice — employer's obligation 37 Notice — group of employers' obligation 38 Notice — update of plan without committee

Process for Updating Pay Equity Plan

39 Workplace information 40 Excluded changes 41 Use of workplace information — first period 42 Job classes not treated as part of group 43 Group of job classes — number of employees 44 Calculation of compensation 45 Prohibited comparison — frozen compensation 46 Difference in compensation during last period


47 Postings regarding updating 48 Final version of revised pay equity plan 49 Notice — increases 50 Determination by member or panel 51 Decision or document issued by Pay Equity Commissioner

Lump Sum

52 Entitlement

Annual Statement

53 Employer


54 Final version of pay equity plan

Coming into Force

55 S.C. 2018, c. 27 SCHEDULE

Pay Equity Regulations
