Consumer Confidence Reports

The Safe Drinking Water Act requires all community water systems to provide a Consumer Confidence Report (CCR), a drinking water quality report, to their customers on an annual basis. CCRs provide information to customers about their local drinking water quality, including details about source water, detected contaminants, system compliance, and other educational materials.

Consumer Confidence Reports are due to customers and the Department by July 1 st of each year. The Certification of Delivery (COD) form is due to the Department by August 10 th of each year.

If you wish to have the report reviewed by our office prior to mailing out to customers, it must be in our office no later than April 30, 2024, to be reviewed before July 1, 2024.

Public drinking water system owners and operators may use the materials and resources below to assist them in complying with requirements of the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) Rule.

External Resources

The Florida Rural Water Association has a template with detailed instructions for completing the CCR. You can also find a copy of the COD on their site.

Chemical Monitoring & Violation Data

Listed below is chemical and violation data for community water systems. Be sure to confirm the accuracy of this data with your own records. If you suspect there are inaccuracies in any of the information below or have any questions, please contact the Department at

The chemical monitoring data below includes information for community water systems between 2020 – 2023. Data can be filtered for individual water systems, by date, by contaminant, etc. The easiest way to find data for a particular system is to filter by PWS number and the most recent sampling year (for most systems this will be in 2023). You may then wish to sort by contaminant or date. Be sure to only include your most recent sample results for each contaminant group. Data prior to 2023 should only be included in your CCR if your last sample was taken in a year prior than 2023. Lead and Copper sample dates should be confirmed with records in eBridge (instructions for accessing eBridge are listed below). Do not include any Sample Type = ‘S’ in your CCR as those results are not for compliance purposes. Sample results listed as ‘0’ should be reported as ‘Not Detected (ND)’ in the CCR.

Violations incurred in 2023 should be reported in your CCR - please refer to Section 8 instructions in the FRWA template for which types of violations must be reported. Systems with violations are not eligible for a mailing waiver and must hand deliver or mail a copy of the report to each customer. Explanations for violation codes are listed in the spreadsheet.

For any assessments you may have completed and if you sampled for any unregulated contaminants for the EPA, you must insert a paragraph that states that the results are available and where they are located. This is regardless of whether you had any detects. These results are not included in any of the spreadsheets below.

You may also review your chemical results on eBridge.

To access the eBridge system, enter:

User Name: publicuser
Password: publicuser

File cabinet name: HCHDSDW

Remember any results listed as U are undetected for CCR purposes. Any result with an “I” next to it should be reported as the actual result.