Assignment Submissions (Students)

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Video overviews reflect current feature functionality in Canvas; they are updated based on workflow changes, not on minor or non-functional interface enhancements. Depending on your institution's Canvas theme, the Canvas interface may display differently than shown in this video, but the functionality is the same.

Assignment Submissions (Students) Video Script

In this video, you will learn about the different ways you can submit assignments in Canvas. If your assignment displays differently than what is displayed in this video, your course may be using the Assignment Enhancements feature option. Please view the Canvas Guides for more information.

Depending on your course structure, you can find your assignment in the Assignments page or Modules page. To view your assignment, click the name of the assignment. From the Assignment Details page, you can view information that will help you prepare for your submission. Depending on settings enabled by your instructor, you may be able to view the due date, points possible, accepted submission and file types, number of attempts remaining and total allowed attempts, availability dates, and the assignment rubric.

When you are ready to submit your assignment, click the Start Assignment button. If you do not see this option, the assignment might not be available or it may be restricted. Contact your instructor for more information about submitting the assignment.

After clicking Start Assignment, you will see tabs that indicate different submission types. To upload one or more files as your submission, click the File Upload tab. To upload a file from your device, click the Upload File button. Click the Choose File or Browse button to select a file to upload. A pop-up window will display in your browser. Select the file title and click the Choose or Open button to upload the file. To use your webcam to add your submission, click the Use Webcam button. Then click the Take Photo button to capture an image of your submission and click the Use This Photo button to confirm your photo. To add an additional file, click the Add Another File link. You can also add a file from your Canvas User Files by clicking the Click here to find a file you’ve already uploaded link and selecting a file. To leave a comment for your instructor, enter your comment in the text box. Do not copy and paste your assignment into the comment box.

To submit an assignment as a text entry submission, click the Text Entry tab. You can type or copy and paste your assignment text into the Rich Content Editor. To submit a website URL as a submission type, click the Website URL tab. Then type or copy and paste the web address, into the Website URL field.

To record or upload audio or video as a submission type, click the Media tab. Click the Record/Upload Media button. Then record something new or upload existing media for your assignment. To submit your assignment, click the Submit Assignment button.

If your course uses Google Drive or Microsoft Office 365, your instructor may have embedded the assignment in Canvas. Open the assignment and fill it out in the Google Drive or Microsoft Office 365 window. When you are ready to submit your assignment, click the Submit button.

Once submitted, you can verify your assignment submission in the sidebar. You will see the date and time the assignment was submitted. If a submission is late, the submission date will display as red text. To download the original submission, click the name of the assignment submission. To view your submission, reviews from your peers, or instructor comments, click the Submission Details link. If a rubric was attached to the assignment, click the Show Rubric link to view the rubric and feedback from your instructor. To view annotations left on your submission, click the View Feedback link. If the assignment is in a format that does not support feedback, Canvas will show the Preview link. You can also click the Re-submit Assignment link on this page, or on the assignment page, as long as the availability date has not passed and you have not exceeded the number of allowed attempts. If you resubmit the assignment, you will only be able to access your most recent submission in the sidebar.

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