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In Classroom Management; Models, Applications, and Cases, Third Edition, pre-service teachers and administrators are given a wealth of information and activities that will prepare them to develop and apply a personal classroom management philosophy. Using a models approach, Manning and Bucher present a thorough discussion of the theories, models, and philosophies of classroom management; tackle the growing problems of school violence and bullying(including the “safe school” movement and cyber-bullying); and give thoughtful discussion to diversity and classroom management. Accessible and practical, this book will help guide educators toward developing and applying a personal classroom management philosophy all their own that can be applied immediately in the classroom.
Dr. M. Lee Manning has been working to improve the educational experiences and overall well being of children for thirty years. Dr. Manning is a Professor and Eminent Scholar in the Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction at Old Dominion University. He taught 5th, 6th, and 7th grade language arts for five years in the public schools of South Carolina. Dr. Manning came to Old Dominion University in 1992. His professional interests and expertise include language arts, multicultural education, and classroom management.
Dr. Manning has authored or co-authored 33 books and over 200 journal articles. Some of these journal articles have appeared in Kappa Delta Pi Record, Phi Delta Kappan, Childhood Education, Middle School Journal, Educational Horizons, High School Journal, The ALAN Review, and the English Journal. Selected books include Teaching in the Middle School 3e (Prentice-Hall Publishing, with Dr. Katherine Bucher of Old Dominion University), Multicultural Education of Children and Adolescents 5e (Allyn and Bacon Publishing, with Dr. Leroy Baruth of Appalachian State University), Developmentally Appropriate Middle Level Schools 2e (published by the Association for Childhood Education International), and Multicultural Education in Middle Level Schools (published by the National Middle School Association). He also wrote the textbook, Classroom Management: Models, Applications, and Cases 3e, (Prentice-Hall Publishing, also with Dr. Katherine Bucher of Old Dominion University). In addition, he has made approximately thirty national presentations about teaching and managing children.
Dr. Katherine Bucher retired as Professor Emerita in the Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction (ECI) in the Darden College of Education at Old Dominion University. She served as Assistant Department Chair of ECI and as Graduate Program Director for PreK-6 education, middle school education and K-12 school librarianship. Dr. Bucher is the author or co-author of several books including Computers and Technology in School Library Media Centers; Information Technology for Schools; Teaching in the Middle School; Classroom Management: Models, Applications, and Cases; Young Adult Literature, Exploration, Evaluation and Appreciation; and Books about the Middle East: Selecting and Using Them with Children and Young Adults. Dr. Bucher has also written on literature, middle schools, and librarianship for peer-reviewed journals and has presented at various national meetings including Association for Childhood Education International, National Middle School Association, and American Library Association.
Название | Classroom Management: Models, Applications and Cases |
Авторы | M. Lee Manning , Katherine T. Bucher |
Издание: | 3 |
Издатель | Pearson Education, 2012 |
ISBN | 0133072290, 9780133072297 |
Количество страниц | Всего страниц: 336 |
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Экспорт цитаты | BiBTeX EndNote RefMan |