Use the Tenant Guest Policy Addendum to set a policy with rules and regulations for your tenant regarding invited guests.
Document Last Modified: 3/18/2022
With as many situations that can arise, policies must be established. A good tenant guest policy provides guidelines and rules to add to and include as part of your lease. This “ez Landlord Forms’ Tenant Guest Policy Addendum” not only is important for a long-term residential lease, but it is key for the short-term or vacation rental agreement as well.
The landlord may give this to the tenant at any time during the lease but most beneficially at the beginning of the lease. This is an editable form. It allows a landlord to add any extra language that he/she feels is needed. It will also allow a landlord to remove wording that they do not want in the form.
This is a must for every lease, whether a vacation, fixed term, or month-month lease term.