1-6 Valley of Trials (Durotar)
First Pick the Class you are playing top left of screen.
And pick the Version you are playing on (Era, WotLK, or SoM)
01) Right in front of you, accept "Your Place In The World" 43.69 43.69 .
Warlock, 01a) Next to the wagon & brown rug, from Ruzan, accept "Vile Familiars" 43.69 .
02) West at The Den entrance, turn in "Your Place In The World" 42.68 , accept "Cutting Teeth".
Warlock, 2a) The goal now is to obtain your Imp ASAP: Go north in Valley of Trials ( around 45.57 , #11 on map) while killing some boars along the way and then do "Vile Familiars": kill/loot Vile Familiars. You will be fighting higher lvl mobs, but is definitely doable, just be careful.
Warlock, 2b) Die on purpose and res at spirit to get Go back to the starting spot. Then from Ruzan 43.69 next to the wagon & brown rug, turn in "Vile Familiars", accept the next part. You can now Summon an Imp!
03) Start working on "Cutting Teeth" by killing the Mottled Boars all around the area. Work your way to accept "Sarkoth" 41.63 .
04) Go south a bit and do "Sarkoth": kill/loot the scorpid Sarkoth /target patrols a bit 41.67 .
05) Turn in "Sarkoth" ( 41.63 #3 on map), accept the next part.
Remember to Choose Your Class At Top of Screen.
06) Make sure "Cutting Teeth" is complete (kill Mottled Boars, #3 on map), then go back to Valley of Trails and get resupplied 43.67 . Get 4 or 5 stacks of Rough Arrows.
07) Go to The Den entrance and turn in "Cutting Teeth" and "Sarkoth" ( 42.68 , #2 on map), accept "Sting of the Scorpid" and "Simple Parchment/Tablet" "Etched Tablet/Parchment" "Encrypted Tablet/Parchment" "Hallowed Tablet" "Rune-Inscribed Tablet/Parchment" "Glyphic Tablet" "Tainted Parchment" .
Warlock, 7b) Before doing this step, make sure you have 1 silver and 10 copper. This will allow you to get your Imp minion and Immolate spells. If you do not have this amount yet, then start working on steps #8 - #11 until you do. When you have 1 silver & 10 copper: Go all the way back to the end of the cave and from the Warlock Trainer 41.68 turn in "Tainted Parchment". Also get new spells/abilities from your class trainer.
Mage, 7b) Just outside of the cave on the brown rug, from the Mage Trainer 43.69 turn in "Glyphic Tablet". Also get new spells/abilities from your class trainer.
Shaman, 7b) Just outside of the cave on the brown rug, from the Shaman Trainer 42.69 turn in "Rune-Inscribed Tablet/Parchment". Also get new spells/abilities from your class trainer.
Priest, 7b) Just outside of the cave on the brown rug, from the Priest Trainer 42.69 turn in "Hallowed Tablet". Also get new spells/abilities from your class trainer.
Rogue, 7b) Go half way into the cave and from the Rogue Trainer 41.68 turn in "Encrypted Tablet/Parchment". Also get new spells/abilities from your class trainer.
08) N/A Just outside of The Den, next to the wagon, accept "Vile Familiars" 43.69 . Just outside of The Den, next to the wagon, accept "Vile Familiars" 43.69 .
Hunter, 8b) Next to you from the Hunter Trainer 43.69 turn in "Etched Tablet/Parchment". Also get new spells/abilities from your class trainer.
Hunter, 8b) Next to from the Warrior Trainer 43.69 turn in "Simple Parchment/Tablet". Also get new spells/abilities from your class trainer.
09) By the cauldron / cooking area, accept "Galgar's Cactus Apple Surprise" 43.67 . Make sure you get resupplied here. Make sure you get 4 or 5 stacks of Rough Arrows.
10) East a bit, accept "Lazy Peons" 45.69 (requires lvl 3) .
11) Around the starting area, do: "Galgar's Cactus Apple Surprise", "Sting of the Scorpid", and "Lazy Peons" and "Vile Familiars" and "Vile Familiars" . Pick up Cactus Apples, kill/loot Scorpid Workers, use the Foreman's Blackjack quest item on the Lazy Peons /target . Also work your way to the outside of the cave around 45.57 and kill Vile Familiars. Also work your way to the outside of the cave around 45.57 and kill Vile Familiars.
12) Once everything is done, go turn in "Galgar's Cactus Apple Surprise" (at the cooking area 43.67 , #9 on map). Then make sure you get resupplied (next to you).
13) In The Den entrance, turn in "Sting of the Scorpid" ( 42.68 , #2 on map).
Shaman, 13b) Just outside of The Den, next to the Shaman Trainer 42.69 , accept "Call of Earth". Also get your level 4 spells/abilities.
Warlock, 13b) Get new spells/abilities. The Warlock Trainer 41.68 (is at the end of the cave). It's recommended to make sure you learn Corruption at least right now. Remember you can get minion upgrades from the Demon Trainer next to you (if you have an extra silver to spare).
14) Outside by the wagon, turn in "Vile Familiars" ( 43.69 , #8 on map), accept "Burning Blade Medallion". Outside by the wagon, turn in "Vile Familiars" ( 43.69 , #8 on map), accept "Burning Blade Medallion". N/A
Hunter, 14b) Get new spells/abilities. The Hunter Trainer 43.69 is right next to you on the rug.
15) Go east a bit and turn in "Lazy Peons" ( 45.69 , #10 on map), accept "Thazz'ril's Pick".
16) Go north inside the cave entrance at 45.56 and do "Call of Earth", "Burning Blade Medallion" and "Thazz'ril's Pick": keep hugging the right side of the cave until you get to Yarrog Baneshadow /target 43.53 and kill/loot him. Then drop down and keep hugging the left side of the cave until you get to Thazz'ril's Pick 44.54 , and loot it. And kill/loot the Felstalkers for the 2 hooves.
17) Make sure you are at least level 5, grind in the cave until you are, then Once done, use your Hearthstone to go back to the Valley of Trials and then by the wagon, turn in "Burning Blade Medallion" ( 43.69 , #8 on map), accept "Report to Sen'jin Village".
Priest, 17a) On the brown rug, from the Priest Trainer 42.69 , accept "In Favor of Spirituality".
Shaman, 17c) Follow the path and hug the left side of the mountains and once you get to Spirit Rock 44.76 , then use your Earth Sapta quest item at the big grey stone. Talk to the big elemental that spawns to turn in "Call of Earth", accept the next part.
Shaman, 17d) Go back to the starting spot (there is a shortcut right as you start going back over the mountains). Back next to the Shaman Trainer ( 42.69 , #17a on map), turn in "Call of Earth". You now have Stoneskin Totem!
18) Go east a bit and turn in "Thazz'ril's Pick" ( 45.69 , #10 on map).
19) Leave starting noob zone by heading east on the path.
6-8 Durotar (log)
Remember to Choose Your Class At Top of Screen.
01) Follow the main path just east and accept "A Peon's Burden" 52.68 .
02) Go SE towards Sen'jin Village and keep grinding on mobs until you are 1 bar away from level 6 and then accept "Thwarting Kolkar Aggression" (NPC /target patrols around 54.74 and hides behind rocks and trees).
03) At Sen'jen Village 56.75 , turn in "Report to Sen'jin Village", accept all quests there: "Minshina's Skull", "Report to Orgnil" and "Zalazane". Next to you, accept "A solvent Spirit" 56.74 . Then next to you up in the little hut, accept "Practical Prey" 56.74 . You can get resupplied by the dancing male troll 56.74 by the Raging Bonfire. Hunters, you can buy arrows inside the biggest hut if you need to.
03) At Sen'jen Village You can get resupplied by the dancing male troll 56.74 by the Raging Bonfire. Then next to you up in the little hut, accept "Practical Prey" 56.74 . Accept "A solvent Spirit" 56.74 . Turn in "Report to Sen'jin Village" 56.75 , accept "Minshina's Skull", "Report to Orgnil" and "Zalazane". Mages, learn your level 6 spells/abilities in the hut 56.75 from the Mage Trainer.
Orc Warrior, 3b) ORC Warrior Only: If you have 4s 84c after selling unneeded items, buy a Large Axe from Trayexir (back in the big hut, 56.73 ). If not, grind during step 04 until you have enough items to buy it in Razor Hill.
04) Run up north to Razor Hill , grinding mobs along the way, and make sure you get to level 6 before you get up there for new spells/abilities. Avoid the boars they are much tougher. . Once there, on your left, turn in "Report to Orgnil" 52.43 , accept "Dark Storms". In the burrow next to you 52.43 , accept "Vanquish the Betrayers" and "Encroachment". Also get new spells/abilities from the Hunter Trainer 52.43 in the bottom of the burrow. Also get new spells/abilities from the Rogue Trainer 52.44 at the top of the burrow.
05) Go up to the top of the watchtower NW of Razor Hill, (up at 50.40 ) and accept "Carry Your Weight".
06) Drop down SE and accept "Break a Few Eggs" (at the cooking area, 51.43 ).
07) Go in the Inn next to you and turn in "A Peon's Burden" 52.42 . And also make Razor Hill your new home for your Hearthstone. Make sure you are resupplied.
Orc Warrior, 7a) ORC Warrior Only: If you haven't got a Large Axe yet, and have 4s 84c after selling unneeded items, buy a Large Axe from Uhgar (next to the Inn at the Heated Forge area, 52.40 ).
Warlock, 7a) Go behind the Barracks and from the Warlock Trainer 54.41 get new spells/abilities. The Demon Trainer 55.42 is back there too.
Priest, 7a) Enter the Barracks across the path, from the Priest Trainer 54.43 , turn in "In Favor of Spirituality", accept "Garments of Spirituality". Also get new/spells abilities.
Priest, 7b) Go south of Razor Hill and on the east side of the main path next to a tall rock do "Garments of Spirituality": heal the kneeling Grunt Kor'ja 53.46 /target with Lesser Heal R2, and buff her with Fortitude.
Shaman, 7b) Enter the Barracks across the path, from the Shaman Trainer 54.43 get new/spells abilities.
Warrior, 7b) Enter the Barracks across the path, from the Warrior Trainer 54.42 get new/spells abilities. NOTE: Learn Parry, but Thunder Clap is not that important right now.
08) If you have an extra silver to spare: in the Barracks, get Apprentice First Aid from Rawrk 54.42 .
09) Go SE to Tiragarde Keep and do "Vanquish the Betrayers" along with "Carry Your Weight": kill/loot the humans around and in the fortress, also work your way to the top of the fortress and kill/loot Lieutenant Benedict 60.58 . Once you loot the key from his corpse, then go up the other steps to open Benedict's Chest up at 59.58 , to accept "The Admiral's Orders" from the Aged Envelope inside.
10) Once done, die on purpose at the NW side of the fortress (remember you can use Life Tap to die quicker) and res at spirit to get go back to Razor Hill and up in the burrow, turn in "Vanquish the Betrayers" ( 52.44 , #4 on map), accept "From The Wreckage. ". Also turn in "The Admiral's Orders", accept the next part.
11) Go up to the top of the watchtower NW of Razor Hill, (up at 50.40 , #5 on map) and turn in "Carry Your Weight".
12) Make sure you are repaired/resupplied 52.41 .
13) Go east to the beach and under the water around 60.44 do "A solvent Spirit" along with "From The Wreckage. ": kill/loot the crabs and makrura mobs and loot the Gnomish Toolboxes.
14) Go just SW of Razor Hill around 49.49 and do the first half of "Encroachment": kill the Razormane Quilboars and Razormane Scouts.
15) If you're not at least 4 3 bars away from lvl 8, grind until you are (for lvl 8 spells/abilities), Then go to Razor Hill and at the top of the burrow turn in "From The Wreckage. " ( 52.44 , #4 on map). Also get new spells/abilities from the Hunter Trainer 52.43 in the bottom of the burrow. Also get new spells/abilities from the Rogue Trainer 52.44 at the top of the burrow. Also make sure you are repaired/resupplied.
Priest, 16) Go in the Barracks and from the Priest Trainer 54.43 , turn in "Garments of Spirituality". Also get new/spells abilities.
Shaman, 16) Go in the Barracks and from the Shaman Trainer 54.43 get your level 8 spells/abilities.
Warrior, 16) Go in the Barracks and from the Warrior Trainer 54.42 get your level 8 spells/abilities.
Warlock, 16) Go behind the Barracks and from the Warlock Trainer 54.41 get your level 8 spells/abilities. The Demon Trainer 55.42 is back there too.
17) If you have not learned Apprentice First Aid, then get that now in the Barracks from Rawrk 54.42 .
8-10 Durotar (log)
01) Run way down south to Kolkar Crag (entrance at 51.79 ) and do "Thwarting Kolkar Aggression": click on the attack plans (scrolls) on the ground. Follow the steps below to find all the scrolls.
02) Click on Attack Plan: Valley of Trials 50.81 .
03) Click on Attack Plan: Sen'jin Village 48.77 .
04) Click on Attack Plan: Orgrimmar 46.79 .
05) Go east towards Sen'jin Village to the NPC /target that patrols and hides around tress/rocks around 54.76 and turn in "Thwarting Kolkar Aggression".
06) Go to Sen'jin Village and turn in "A solvent Spirit" 56.74 . Make sure you are repaired/resupplied.
Mage, 6a) Make sure you are level 8 (grind on any mobs until you are). Then go to the Mage Trainer in the hut 56.75 at Sen'jin Village and get your level 8 spells/abilities.
07) Go to Echo Isles (the islands SE of Durotar) and do the following 4 quests together "Break a Few Eggs", "Practical Prey", "Minshina's Skull" and "Zalazane": kill/loot Durotar Tigers, pickup Taillasher Eggs, and (at 67.88 ) pickup Minshina's Skull (on the little hill with candles around it) and in that same area kill the needed trolls and kill/loot Zalazane /target (See Video).
08) After completing all these quests, die on purpose (then res) to get go back to Sen'jin Village quickly , and turn in "Minshina's Skull" and "Zalazane" 56.75 . NOTE: Save the quest reward item Faintly Glowing Skull for a later quest.
09) In the little hut next to you, turn in "Practical Prey" 56.74 .
10) Hearth to Razor Hill and turn in "Break a Few Eggs" (by the cooking area next to the Inn, 51.43 ). Make sure you are repaired/resupplied.
11) Go west of Razor Hill around 44.40 and do the second half of "Encroachment": kill the Razormane Dustrunners and Razormane Battleguards.
12) Grind north to the little house 43.30 and accept "Lost But Not Forgotten".
13) Go NE to the goblin and accept "Winds in the Desert" 46.23 .
14) Go east a bit 49.22 and do "Winds in the Desert": loot Stolen Supply Sacks around the harpies.
15) Go back to the goblin and turn in "Winds in the Desert" ( 46.23 , #13 on map), accept "Securing the Lines".
16) Keep grinding on any mob in the area until you are at least 1.5 bars away from level 10, then run back to Razor Hill [Don't Hearth] (or you can die on purpose south in the Razorwind Canyon harpy camp at about 48.34 ) .
Remember to Choose Your Class At Top of Screen.
Shaman, 17a) Go in the Barracks and from the Shaman Trainer 54.43 accept "Call of Fire". Also get new spells/abilities.
Warlock, 17a) Go behind the Barracks and from the Ophek 54.41 accept "Gan'rul's Summons". Also get new spells/abilities.
Warrior, 17a) Go in the Barracks and from the Warrior Trainer 54.42 accept "Veteran Uzzek". Also get new spells/abilities.
Priest, 17a) Go in the Barracks and from the Priest Trainer 54.43 accept "Hex of Weakness". Also get new spells/abilities.
Rogue, 17a) Next to you at the top of the burrow 52.44 , accept your level 10 class quest (if available) "Therzok". Also get new spells/abilities.
Mage, 17b) Grind SW in Durotar towards the bridge that leads over into The Barrens around 36.41 . Keep grinding in that area until you reach level 10. Then go west into The Barrens and die on purpose around 62.19 to get to Crossroads , then res at spirit .
18) On the west side in Razor Hill, accept "Conscript of the Horde" 51.44 .
[Hunter] level 10 Class Quests (log)
01) At the bottom of the burrow, accept "Taming the Beast" 52.43 . Also get new spells/abilities. Then do "Taming the Beast" by using your Taming Rod quest item to tame the following beasts:
02) Tame a Dire Mottled Boar /target (just SW of Razor Hill, around 52.47 ).
03) Run back and turn in "Taming the Beast" ( 52.43 , # 1 on map) and accept the next part.
04) At the Bowyer 53.41 under the red tent, upgrade to Sharp Arrows. If you have a lot of extra silver, you can get a Medium Quiver, but you are better saving your money for your lvl 12 abilities later.
05) Tame a Surf Crawler NE of Razor Hill along the beach around 59.28 .
06) Run back and turn in "Taming the Beast" ( 52.43 , # 1 on map) and accept the next part.
07) Tame a Armored Scorpid NW of Razor Hill (around the watchtower around 49.37 ).
08) Run back and turn in "Taming the Beast" ( 52.43 , # 1 on map), accept "Training the Beast".
09) On the west side in Razor Hill, accept "Conscript of the Horde" 51.44 .
10) Go west around 36.48 and tame a Venomtail Scorpid /target for your first real pet. Try to get a level 10. This allows you to learn Claw R2 and Scorpid Poison.
Crossroads (The Barrens)
01) Go west across the river and next to the path, turn in "Conscript of the Horde" ( 62.19 in The Barrens), accept "Crossroads Conscription".
Warrior, 1a) Just SW a bit by the big tree and under a red canopy turn in your class quest "Veteran Uzzek" ( 61.21 in The Barrens), accept "Path of Defense".
03) South in XRs accept "The Forgotten Pools" 52.32 . Then next to you, get repaired/resupplied from the Clothier. Head safely to XRs and accept "Meats to Orgrimmar" 53.30 . Head safely to XRs and accept "Meats to Orgrimmar" 53.30 .
04) At Sergra Darkthorn, turn in "Crossroads Conscription" 52.31 . Accept "Plainstrider Menace".
05) Go NE in XRs and accept "Meats to Orgrimmar" 53.30 . South in XRs accept "The Forgotten Pools" 52.32 . Then next to you, get repaired/resupplied from the Clothier. South in XRs accept "The Forgotten Pools" 52.32 . Then next to you, get repaired/resupplied from the Clothier.
06) Right outside the Inn and next to the mailbox, accept "Raptor Thieves" 52.30 .
07) At the orc standing at the bottom of the watchtower accept "Disrupt the Attacks" 52.31 , and "Supplies for the Crossroads".
08) Go north a bit to the undead under the red canopy and accept "Fungal Spores" and "Wharfmaster Dizzywig" 51.30 .
09) Next to you at the Wind Rider Master 52.30 turn in "Meats to Orgrimmar", accept "Ride to Orgrimmar". Then take a flight to Orgrimmar, Durotar.
Hunter, 1a) Go east to the Hunter Trainer and turn in "Training the Beast" ( 66.19 in Orgrimmar), you now have new pet abilities! Also stop at the Pet Trainer near by and learn new pet skills.
Priest, 1a) Stay up (cross the bridge), go SW to the Valley of Spirits and at the Priest Trainer ( 36.87 in Orgrimmar) turn in "Hex of Weakness".
Warlock, 1a) As a Warlock, it is wise at this point to check the AH 54.65 to see if you can get a Wand weapon to use. If you are unable to get one now, then check next time you visit the AH. N/A
Warrior, 1a) If you have at least 35 silver to spare, then consider purchasing a Tabar axe down in The Shattered Axe ( 48.68 , next to the bank).
Warrior, 1b) If you have 10 silver to spare go NE to The Valley of Honor and at the Weapon Masters 82.20 learn Two-Handed Axes. If not make sure you do this later.
Warlock, 1b) If you have 10 silver to spare go NE to The Valley of Honor and at the Weapon Masters 81.20 learn Staves. If not my guide will remind you later to try again.
Hunter, 1b) If you can afford to, you can learn new weapon possibilities at the two Weapon Masters in the hut (east of you at 82.20 ). I recommend eventually learning Two-Handed Axes and/or Staves from them.
Rogue, 1c) As you enter Cleft of Shadow make a sharp left into the first hut and turn in "Therzok" 43.54 , accept "The Shattered Hand".
Warlock, 1d) Down & NE in Cleft of Shadow, turn in "Gan'rul's Summons" 48.45 , accept "Creature of the Void".
02) Stay up (cross the bridge), then Go north to Thrall and accept "Hidden Enemies" 32.38 . In that room turn in "The Admiral's Orders".
Shaman, 03) If you have 10 silver to spare go NE to The Valley of Honor and at the Weapon Masters 82.20 learn One-Handed Axes.
[Mage] Orgrimmar / Durotar
01) Stay up (cross the bridge) and go SW to The Valley of Spirits and in the Darkbriar Lodge, go to the Mage Trainers 39.86 and accept "Speak with Un'thuwa". Also get your level 10 spells/abilities.
02) Stay up and go north to Thrall and accept "Hidden Enemies" 32.38 . In that room turn in "The Admiral's Orders".
03) Hearth (or run) to Razor Hill.
04) At the top of the burrow turn in "Encroachment" 52.43 .
05) Go south to Sen'Jin Village and at the Mage Trainer in the hut 56.75 turn in "Speak with Un'thuwa", accept "Ju-Ju Heaps".
06) Go SE to Echo Isles and do "Ju-Ju Heaps": click the Ju-Ju Heaps around 67.83 in the huts (there is at least one in every hut on the island).
07) Die on purpose and res at spirit to get Go back to Sen'Jin Village, then at the Mage Trainer in the hut ( 56.75 , #5 on map) turn in "Ju-Ju Heaps". NOTE: Many agree that the Ley Orb is the better reward.
[Shaman] 10-12 Durotar
01) SE of you do "Securing the Lines": kill the harpies (through the other side of the small cave 52.28 in Durotar).
02) At the goblin, turn in "Securing the Lines" 46.23 .
03) Start working on "Lost But Not Forgotten": kill/loot the Dreadmaw Crocolisk in the river 37.21 for Kron's Amulet. Work your way south along the river to do the next step:
04) Go west into The Barrens and follow the road west until you see a small tower on the right side of the road. There you will find Kranal Fiss ( 56.20 in The Barrens). Turn in "Call of Fire", accept the next part.
05) Go back east to the bridge at Durotar and work south along the river while continue working on "Lost But Not Forgotten": kill/loot the Dreadmaw Crocolisk in the river for Kron's Amulet. Work your way south along the river to do the next step:
06) Go to the hidden path (entrance at 37.58 ). Follow this path upwards to the next step, be careful the path has tight edges:
07) Once you get to Telf Joolam 39.59 , turn in "Call of Fire", accept the next part.
08) Run down the mountain (use jumping shortcuts halfway down) and head north along the river while finishing "Lost But Not Forgotten": kill/loot the Dreadmaw Crocolisk in the river for Kron's Amulet. Work your way to Thunder Ridge (entrance at 39.31 ).
09) In Thunder Ridge, do "Dark Storms": work your way to Fizzle Darkstorm (a goblin at 42.27 , /target ) and kill/loot him. Be careful he is heavily guarded.
10) Exit Thunder Ridge, then go east to the little house and turn in "Lost But Not Forgotten" 43.30 .
11) Go SE to Razor Hill and turn in "Dark Storms" ( 52.43 ), accept "Margoz". Make sure you are repaired/resupplied. ALSO: If you destroyed your Hearthstone earlier, then get a new one in Razor Hill's Inn 52.42 by making it your new home. If for some reason you are already level 12, get new spells/abilities while in town.
12) Exit Razor Hill through the NE gate exit 54.41 ..
13) Go north and enter Dustwind Cave (entrance up at 53.28 ). In the cave do part of "Call of Fire": kill/loot Burning Blade Cultists (the ones with the Imps) for the Reagent Pouch (medium drop rate).
01) Exit the cave then go north along the coast and turn in "Margoz" 56.20 , accept "Skull Rock".
02) Go north to enter Skull Rock (cave entrance at 55.10 ) and do "Skull Rock" along with "Hidden Enemies": kill/loot the mobs in the cave. If you can, try to kill Gazz'uz /target (has multiple spawn locations in cave), he drops Eye of Burning Shadow item which starts "Burning Shadows". TIPS: use the quest reward item Faintly Glowing Skull to help you kill him, he's tough without it. Also use a Sticky Glue on his voidwalker, or pull Gazz in a water pool since his voidwalker cant swim. If you are an Orc, don't use Blood Fury before you have used your healing items. Also try to party up with somebody if you can. (See Video on how I killed Gazz'uz). Also don't leave this cave until you have grinded out First Aid (50) to learn Journeyman First Aid soon.
03) Exit the cave and go directly south to turn in "Skull Rock" ( 56.20 , #1 on map), accept "Neeru Fireblade".
04) Go into Orgrimmar and go to the Inn and turn in "Ride to Orgrimmar" 54.68 , accept "Doras the Wind Rider Master".
05) Go up to the Wind Rider Master 45.64 and turn in "Doras the Wind Rider Master", accept "Return to the Crossroads.".
06) Stay up and cross the bridge, then go north to Thrall to turn in "Hidden Enemies" 32.38 . Accept the next part.
07) Go to Cleft of Shadows (entrance at 42.57 in Orgrimmar).
08) In the Cleft of Shadows, turn in "Neeru Fireblade" and (if you have it) "Burning Shadows" ( 50.51 in Orgrimmar), accept "Ak'Zeloth". Also keep talking to this NPC to complete "Hidden Enemies".
09) Go back to Thrall ( 32.38 , #6 on map) and turn in "Hidden Enemies", SKIP the next part (Dungeon). NOTE: You can destroy the Lieutenant's Insignia, as its not used for anything else.
10) Hearth to Razor Hill. Make sure you are level 12 (grind on any mobs until you are). Make sure you get repaired/resupplied. Upgrade First Aid in the Barracks if you need to from Rawrk. Go in the Barracks and from the Shaman Trainer 54.43 get new/spells abilities.
11) Run west into the Barrens.
10-12 Durotar
01) Hearth (if you can), then go all the way up north Go SE and do "Securing the Lines": kill the harpies (through the other side of the small cave 52.28 in Durotar).
02) At the goblin, turn in "Securing the Lines" 46.23 .
03) Along the river west of Durotar 37.21 do "Lost But Not Forgotten": kill/loot the Dreadmaw Crocolisk until Kron's Amulet drops.
04) Enter Thunder Ridge (at 39.31 ).
05) In Thunder Ridge, do "Dark Storms" along with your class quest "Path of Defense" : work your way to Fizzle Darkstorm (a goblin at 42.27 , /target ) and kill/loot him. Be careful he is heavily guarded. This quest is really hard for Warriors. Try to pull Fizzle away from his spawn point and away from other mobs around him so you take on him alone. If you cant do this or find a group to help then you can skip it. Also, kill/loot the Lizard mobs along the way for the 5 scales .
06) Exit Thunder Ridge, then go east to the little house and turn in "Lost But Not Forgotten" 43.30 .
Warrior, 6a) Go back west into The Barrens at Far Watch Post and turn in your class quest "Path of Defense" ( 61.21 in The Barrens), accept "Thun'grim Firegaze". NOTE: You just earned numerous abilities.
Warrior, 6d) When you get to the top, make a left to the small camp and at Thun'grim Firegaze 57.30 turn in "Thun'grim Firegaze", accept "Forged Steel".
Warrior, 6e) On the NW side of the mountain, run down the big mountain slope and do "Forged Steel": loot the Stolen Iron Chest 55.27 that is in front of the broken down wagon in front of the Razormane camp.
Warrior, 6f) Run back up the same mountain slope to Thun'grim Firegaze ( 57.30 , # 6d on map) and turn in "Forged Steel". NOTE: If you are an Orc, pick the Axe reward.
Warrior, 6g) Go back NE to Durotar, hitting any lower level enemies you can find to level your weapon skill.
07) Go SE to Razor Hill and turn in "Dark Storms" ( 52.43 in Durotar ). Accept "Margoz". Make sure you are repaired/resupplied. ALSO: If you destroyed your Hearthstone earlier, then get a new one in Razor Hill's Inn 52.42 by making it your new home. If for some reason you are already level 12, get new spells/abilities while in town.
08) Go NE and turn in "Margoz" 56.20 , accept "Skull Rock".
09) Go north to enter Skull Rock (cave entrance at 55.10 ) and do "Skull Rock" along with "Hidden Enemies": kill/loot the mobs in the cave. If you can, try to kill Gazz'uz /target (has multiple spawn locations in cave), he drops Eye of Burning Shadow item which starts "Burning Shadows". TIPS: use the quest reward item Faintly Glowing Skull to help you kill him, he's tough without it. Also use a Sticky Glue on his voidwalker, or pull Gazz in a water pool since his voidwalker cant swim. If you are an Orc, don't use Blood Fury before you have used your healing items. Try to party up with somebody if you can. (See Video on how I killed Gazz'uz). Also don't leave this cave until you have grinded out First Aid (50) to learn Journeyman First Aid soon. Do the next step in the cave as well:
Warlock, 9a) In Skull Rock do "Creature of the Void": keep hugging the right side of the cave until you get to a ledge and then loot the Burning Blade Stash (in the cave, 52.10 )
10) Exit the cave and go directly south to turn in "Skull Rock" ( 56.20 , #8 on map). Accept "Neeru Fireblade".
01) Keep grinding on any mobs (mostly up north) until you're 4 bars away from level 12, then Go into Orgrimmar and go to the Inn and turn in "Ride to Orgrimmar" 54.68 , accept "Doras the Wind Rider Master".
03) Go north to Thrall and turn in "Hidden Enemies" 32.38 . Accept the next part.
04) Go to Cleft of Shadows (entrance at 42.57 in Orgrimmar).
Warlock, 4a) In Cleft of Shadow turn in "Creature of the Void" 48.45 , accept "The Binding".
05) In Cleft of Shadows 50.51 , turn in "Neeru Fireblade" (accept "Ak'Zeloth") and (if you have it) "Burning Shadows". Also keep talking to this NPC to complete "Hidden Enemies".
Warlock, 5a) Right there in Neeru Fireblade's hut do "The Binding": use the Glyphs of Summoning quest item in his tent 49.50 to summon a voidwalker, then kill it.
Warlock, 5b) Go back north in Cleft of Shadows and turn in "The Binding" ( 48.45 , #4a on map). You can now summon a Voidwalker!
06) Go back to Thrall ( 32.38 , #3 on map) and turn in "Hidden Enemies", SKIP the next part (Dungeon). NOTE: You can destroy the Lieutenant's Insignia, as its not used for anything else.
Warrior, 6a) If you can afford 10 silver go east to The Valley of Honor and at the Weapon Masters 82.20 , learn Thrown. And if you have 10 extra silver, learn Staves too (from Hanashi the Weapon Master). Then Behind you, purchase a stack of Balanced Throwing Dagger from Zendo'jian. Equip them in your Ranged slot and hoykey your Throw ability. This will allow you to range pull mobs for quite some time.
Mage, 6a) Stay up and go south to The Valley of Spirits and in the Darkbriar Lodge, go to the Mage Trainers 39.86 to get your level 12 spells/abilities.
07) Hearth (or run) to Razor Hill. Make sure you are level 12 (grind on any mobs until you are). Make sure you get repaired/resupplied. Upgrade First Aid in the Barracks from Rawrk 54.42 to learn Journeyman First Aid. Go in the Barracks and from the Priest Trainer 54.43 , get new/spells abilities. Go in the Barracks and from the Warrior Trainer 54.42 get new/spells abilities. Go behind the Barracks and from the Warlock Trainer trainer 54.41 get new/spells abilities. The Demon Trainer 55.42 is back there too. Also get new spells/abilities from the Hunter Trainer 52.43 in the bottom of the burrow. Also get new spells/abilities from the Rogue Trainer 52.44 at the top of the burrow.
Rogue, 7a) On the west side in Razor Hill, accept "Conscript of the Horde" 51.44 .
Levels 12-15 Barrens (log)
Mage, 00) Just over the bridge, next to the path, turn in "Conscript of the Horde" ( 62.19 in the Barrens), accept "Crossroads Conscription".
01) Over the bridge, next to the watchtower, turn in (if you have it from the Durotar section) "Ak'Zeloth" 62.20 , accept "The Demon Seed". Then loot a Flawed Power Stone from the table next to you. NOTE: The Flawed Power Stone item received only lasts 30 minutes, so you need to do the next few steps somewhat quickly (but you should have plenty of time).
02) While working on the following steps, also start working on "Plainstrider Menace" and "Raptor Thieves" by killing plainstriders and raptors all around the fields of the Barrens, but don't make it your main priority:
Hunter, 2a) Hunters, go west across the main path ( around 52.21 just below #3 on map), then abandon your scorpid and tame a Savannah Huntress cat for your new pet (this is for better DPS). Try to get a level 12. Make sure you use Beast Training on your spellbook to train your pet other abilities.
03) Go west across the main path, then go up the big mountain ramp (begins at 51.22 ).
04) Once you get at the top do "The Demon Seed": go in the small cave and use your Flawed Power Stone quest item on The Altar of Fire 48.19 . NOTES: Watch out for a rare elite named Rathorian, he is very dangerous. If he is in the way , then either try to team up with someone to help you kill him, or this quest can be skipped. His respawn is every 5.5 hours. Hunters, Rathorian is kitable.
05) Go east and do "Disrupt the Attacks": kill the required amount of Razormane quilboars around 54.27 . Shamans, also do "Call of Fire" by kill/looting quilboars until you get the Fire Tar. ALSO: Back in the Razormane camp is a barrel called Chen's Empty Keg keg 56.27 , loot it and accept the quest from the item received.
Shaman, 5a) Go east just across the Southfury River into Durotar, and climb the hidden path in the mountain (entrance at 37.58 in Durotar) until you get to Telf Joolam 39.59 and turn in "Call of Fire", accept the next part.
Shaman, 5b) Next to you, do "Call of Fire": use your Fire Sapta quest item at the Shaman Shrine 38.58 , then go up the mountain ramp even further and kill/loot the Minor Manifestation of Fire (fire elemental 39.58 ). Then click on the Brazier of the Dormant Flame 39.58 to turn in "Call of Fire", accept the next part.
Shaman, 5c) Run down the mountain (use jumping shortcuts halfway down), then go west into The Barrens and at the small tower on the right side of the road, from Kranal Fiss ( 56.20 in The Barrens), turn in "Call of Fire". You now have Searing Totem ability and Fire Totem item! Also see if Chen's Empty Keg is next to the tower there and accept the quest from the item received.
06) Go to the NE side of XRs and turn in "Return to the Crossroads." 53.30 .
07) From Sergra Darkthorn 52.31 , turn in "Crossroads Conscription". And Turn in (if it's complete) "Plainstrider Menace" (from Sergra Darkthorn 52.31 ) , accept "The Zhevra".
08) Go in the Inn and make XRs your new home 52.30 .
09) At the orc standing at the bottom of the watchtower, turn in "Disrupt the Attacks" ( 52.31 , #7 on map). Accept "The Disruption Ends". Make sure you are repaired/resupplied.
10) Go up the watchtower next to you and accept "Harpy Raiders".
[Rogue] Levels 12-15 Barrens
01) Just over the bridge, next to the path, turn in "Conscript of the Horde" ( 62.19 in The Barrens), accept "Crossroads Conscription".
02) Next to you at the watchtower, turn in (if you have it from the Durotar section) "Ak'Zeloth" 62.20 , accept "The Demon Seed". Then loot a Flawed Power Stone from the table next to you. NOTE: The Flawed Power Stone item received only lasts 30 minutes, so you need to do the next few steps somewhat quickly.
03) Do "The Shattered Hand". Run directly south along the river to Ratchet (avoid mobs and hurry so your Flawed Power Stone maintains time). Once at Ratchet don't stop to pick up quests, continue south through Ratchet and follow the narrow path by the coastline to The Merchant Coast. You will then see a slope going upwards on your right with a fence running up it around 63.44 . Work your way up this slope until you run into Tazan /target and kill/loot this troll. He patrols from the middle of the slope to the top camp.
04) Die on purpose and res at spirit.
05) Follow the main path NW to Crossroads and at Sergra Darkthorn, turn in "Crossroads Conscription" 52.31 , accept "Plainstrider Menace".
06) NE in XRs, accept "Meats to Orgrimmar" 53.30 .
07) To maintain Flawed Power Stone timing, we will come back to XRs later to get the rest of the quests. Go north up the big mountain ramp (begins at 51.22 ).
08) Once you get at the top do "The Demon Seed": go in the small cave and use your Flawed Power Stone quest item on The Altar of Fire 48.19 . NOTES: Watch out for a rare elite named Rathorian, he is very dangerous. If he is in the way, then either try to team up with someone to help you kill him, or this quest can be skipped. His respawn is every 5.5 hours.
09) Die on purpose and res at spirit to get back to XRs.
10) South in XRs accept "The Forgotten Pools" 52.32 . Then next to you, get repaired/resupplied from the Clothier.
11) Go in the Inn and make XRs your new home 52.30 .
12) Right outside the Inn on your right accept "Raptor Thieves" 52.30 .
13) At the orc standing at the bottom of the watchtower accept "Disrupt the Attacks" 52.31 and "Supplies for the Crossroads".
14) Go up the watchtower next to you and accept "Harpy Raiders".
15) Drop down, go to the Wind Rider Master 52.30 and turn in "Meats to Orgrimmar", accept "Ride to Orgrimmar". And right next to the Wind Rider Master accept "Fungal Spores" and "Wharfmaster Dizzywig"
16) At the Wind Rider Master 52.30 , fly to Orgrimmar, Durotar.
01) When you land at Orgrimmar, stay up and go across the wood bridge and then enter Cleft of Shadow ( 40.54 in Orgrimmar).
02) As you enter Cleft of Shadow make a sharp left into the first hut and turn in "The Shattered Hand" 43.54 , accept the next part.
03) Go to the Inn and turn in "Ride to Orgrimmar" 54.68 , accept "Doras the Wind Rider Master".
04) Next to you do "The Shattered Hand": use your Pick Pocket ability on the Tauren Gamon /target in the Inn to loot Tazan's Key. Then use this key (found in your Keyring) on Tazan's Satchel quest item in your inventory.
05) Go up to the Wind Rider Master 45.64 (#8 on map) and turn in "Doras the Wind Rider Master", accept "Return to the Crossroads.".
06) Enter Cleft of Shadow ( 40.54 , #1 on map).
07) As you enter Cleft of Shadow make a sharp left into the first hut and turn in "The Shattered Hand" ( 43.54 , #2 on map).
08) Go back up to the Wind Rider Master 45.64 and take a flight to Crossroads, The Barrens. NOTE: If your Hearthstone is ready and you plan to take at least a half hour break, then go ahead and hearth now instead.
09) NE in Crossroads turn in "Return to the Crossroads." 53.30 .
10) While working on the following steps, also start working on "Plainstrider Menace" and "Raptor Thieves" by killing plainstriders and raptors all around the fields of the Barrens, but don't make it your main priority.
11) Go east and do "Disrupt the Attacks": kill the required amount of Razormane quilboars around 55.27 . NOTE: Back in the Razormane camp there is a barrel called "Chen's Empty Keg" keg 56.27 , loot it and accept the quest from the item received.
12) Go back to XRs and turn in (if it's complete) "Plainstrider Menace" (from Sergra Darkthorn 52.31 ), accept "The Zhevra".
13) At the orc standing at the bottom of the watchtower, turn in "Disrupt the Attacks" 52.31 , accept "The Disruption Ends". Make sure you are repaired/resupplied.